
Dedication Opportunities

Beit Binyamin Center Naming


Entrance /Lobby


The Room of the Baba Sali

$when he resided in Tzfat 

Courtyard Dedication

a quaint spacious courtyard, Tzfat style


The Roof


Indoor Furniture


The Kitchen


Pergola over the Roof


The Beit Binyamin Torah Library


Coffee Room / corner


The Beit Binyamin Mezuza

A unique Mezuza made by Jen Airley, with the shirt and pants of Binyamin hy”d


BBQ Area


Andy Lampert

in honor of his Bar Mitzvah

Outdoor Furniture


The Ner Zikaron for Binyamin, in Beit Binyamin


Daniel & Serena Hartstein

לזכר נשמת אבינו וסבינו
קלונימוס קלמן בן יעקב יצחק ז״ל

Towels and Linens


Sound System


Esrog Tree in the Courtyard


The Allen Family 

In loving memory of Albert Allen A”H
 לע”נ אברהם בן סלחא ע”ה

Chanukah/ Menorah of Gevurah


Artwork on Wall (6 items)

$500 (per item)

Program Sponsorships

A Weekend Retreat


A Overnight Retreat


A “Yom Kef” for Chayalim


The Art Therapy Program


The Drama Therapy Program


Musical Tours of Tzfat


Airley HY”D

Binyamin Airley HY”D

Binyamin was a natural, inspirational leader. He always pushed forward to do what was needed and live fully to sanctify Hashem’s name.

Yet with all his charisma and leadership skills, he was a very modest, spiritual young man. He was very particular about the mitzvah of honoring parents, shunned material possessions and was careful not to speak badly about anyone. He loved Torah, loved Israel, and often volunteered on a farm, working as a shepherd and guarding the area.

Tzfat was Binyamin’s spiritual home where he came to recharge his infectious spiritual energy.

Binyamin was killed in action in Gaza, during the “Swords of Iron” War in November 2023. He was 21 years old when he made the ultimate sacrifice.

For us all.

Stay in Touch


Donate in USD

Send Checks to

C/P Sherry Rozensweig 1439 East 19th Street. Brooklyn, NY 11230

Please make check payable to Beit Binyamin


Donate in ILS

02-9991553 (+972-2-9991553)
During office hours

Please indicate clearly that donation is for Beit Binyamin.

Checks can be send to

Nachal Lachish 40/7
Ramat Beit Shemesh

Please make checks payable to Lema’an Achai, Checks can be brought to the office or send by mail.


Name:  Lema’an Achai
Bank Pagi  (# 52)
Branch # 179
Account # 517747

Confirmation can be sent to

[email protected]

or use this QR code:

Recurring Donation
/ Horaat Kevah

[email protected]
C$ Canada

Donate in
Canadian Dollars

Please indicate clearly that donation is for Beit Binyamin.

Checks can be send to

Mizrachi Organization of Canada 4600 Bathurst St. #316 Toronto, ON M2R 3V3

Please note: Nothing should be written on the memo line of the cheque. All designations must be on a separate piece of paper.

Please make check payable to Mizrachi Organization of Canada

Please indicate clearly that donation is for Beit Binyamin.

£ UK

Donate in POUNDs

Via Checks or Wire Transfers

Please contact Yisroel at

[email protected]